In 2013, during his second year of undergrad at the University of Pennsylvania, Bazille worked with Natives at Penn & The Greenfield Intercultural Center in hosting the 2013 All-Ivy Native Spring Conference, where Native groups across the ivy-leagues gather to connect, learn, and celebrate.
The weekend's program was themed around Indigenous involvement in Hip Hop, and how it could lead to solutions and positive coping skills for Indigenous communities. Entitled, "The Council of Emcees", the weekend consisted of various events with Night Shield, Def-I, Frank Waln & Sam Sampson, and DJ Garronteed.
From the start of the weekend until a few hours after the closing ceremonies, Bazille recalls being busy.
"Here I was, barely getting by in my studies. All of a sudden, I'm coordinating not just one event, but a whole weekend's worth! Along with trying to represent for my people, learning to deal with others who did not know about our culture. There'd be people I'd propose to about sponsoring our event, and they either wouldn't support it or even go as far as to laugh at some of our names, which stem from the names of our people. Still, I'm so glad I did it. I gained a lot of friends and fam from this event, whether they were a part of it or in attendance."
Click play on the playlist to view the event promo and clips from the performances.