One of Bazille's ongoing album series includes a collection of "flower/plant" projects.
Each album reflects with various symbiology of the plant that the album is named, be it from literature, poetry, religion/spirituality, etc.
Bazille's first official studio album made in 2017, recorded at Lil' Drummaboy Recordings in Philadelphia, PA
Bazille's 2nd floral project to release in the series in 2018, recorded at Bad Nation, South Dakota.
Bazille's 3rd release for the garden series, recorded throughout 2016-2018 in different home studio setups (Philadelphia, PA; Eagle Butte, SD; Bad Nation, SD)
Bazille's 4th to the garden album series. Often attributed to memory, death, etc.
Bazille's 5th and most recent chapter of the garden series. Made in collaboration with artist Tani Gordon