
Bazille's contribution to the "Articles of a Treaty" exhibit, put together by Native CAIRNS, which showcases various artists of different mediums as they reflect on various articles to the 1868 Fort Laramie Treaty. This song, entitled "Ista" is Bazille's reflection of Article VI, "Certificates and Patents".

"Ordinance 6303"

Back in March, 2019, Rapid City, SD was undergoing debate regarding the passing of Ordinance 6303, inspired by comments made by Natalie Stites-Means on the matter upon learning of the news (sampled in this song), Bazille created this in support and to raise awareness on the issue, Rapid City's targeting of Indigenous peoples.


"Rushmore" is a small-tribute song made for protestors present at the 2020 4th of July campaign event/celebration in Paha Sapa. While viewing the action online, Bazille created this piece. Read/hear more about the action in this article on NPR-SDPB by Lee Strubinger, heard on All Things Considered.


Originally released on Bazille's 2015 51-track album, entitled "Sake", "Heartbeat" is the tale of his plight through college. Far away from home, Bazille depicts his journey in Philadelphia while life continues to go on back home on the rez in South Dakota. Pushing through trauma in the process of earning his degree, Bazille paints the picture in hopes that it will speak to others on a similar path. Music video filmed, directed, edited by Justin DeLeon.

"Native Rapper"

In 2018, a funny take on "Native rappers" was being shared across social media (sampled in the song), inspiring this unreleased song and music video based further on the concept.

"Just Us"

After Caucasian fans at a South Dakota hockey game poured beer and chanted racial slurs on Lakota children and were only charged with a small misdemeanor, Bazille created this song as reflection in 2015. Learn more about the incident and repercussions (or lack thereof) here.

"Unci Maka"

Released in 2016, featuring words from an interview with Bazille's cousin TaSina SapaWin at Standing Rock NODAPL.

"You can't mess with Unci Maka, you must be gone. Gone from the way you were. you can't mess with Mother Earth. So who are you? And who will you run to when your Mother repays you? Punishes you? You can't turn to greed no more, or kill green with your green no more."

"Tribute to NODAPL Warriors"

Made in tribute to all who fight pipelines, including the NODAPL resistances that fought in Standing Rock. 

"There's blood on the dogs, still singin' our songs, because you can't stop our fight. No, you can't stop our fight."

"Black Snake Killa"

Dedicated to all "Black Snake Killaz" fighting actions against Unci Maka across Turtle Island and beyond.


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