Since I got into college in the early 2010's, I've always had an excuse to be on social media platforms. Initially, I figured it was a way to divulge my thoughts and stories through updates online so that family and friends from back home could stay connected and see what I was doing. I remember it being engrained in my head by various peers and adults that, as a young adult from the rez going to college, I had to fulfil some sort of role-model position. Looking back, I feel embarrassed of the narcissism, ego-centricism, and toxicity that this included. I know I can't erase anything from the internet, and I don't aspire to re-shape history to. Instead, I am opting to jump fully into website maintenance again (this will be my third try).
In the past, I've used Squarespace, but after my last attempt on Duda, I knew that this would be the platform I'm most comfortable with. I can customize a lot more things and really bring to life the content I want to bring to everyone. What type of content would that be? Well, here's a little list to preview things:
My hopes with everything is just to MAINTAIN this. I want to refrain from social media as much as possible (it's TAXING) and despite using it for art in the past, I don't feel like it does good for my soul, nor my arts soul in the long-run.
With that, I hope you enjoy this webpage, I plan to update at least weekly with new music, visuals, blogs, news updates, etc. etc. etc. etc. If you consider yourself a fan or supporter of my music, THIS is the place. The main hub and headquarters for all things BAZILLE.