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Stand Your Ground Music Fest

Talon Bazille Ducheneaux • January 23, 2021

JANUARY 18th, 2021 - MLK Day

The only other time I got to do something with my voice during this fine day, was for the University of Pennsylvania during my senior year when I was asked to give a keynote address. Like Malcom X, Tasunke Witko, Magabobdu, Fools Crow, and so many others, Dr. King holds a special place in my heart and growth. I look to his power in peace and humility, and his faith-based resiliency and I grow inspired to continue doing everything I am doing and aspire to do, and to do what I can to make that work selfless.

So, when I was asked to perform for this event, I was immediately ready to give my soul to another performance, as much of it as I could in 15min. I was notified that this event was to also keep the pressure on President Biden and his commitment to halt the permits of KXL, so I tried to make my song selection include tracks I'd not only made about climate change, but of the people who are directly threatened by corporate greed and what it has already done to us for generations. This was my first time using my paint to protect myself (another blog for another time), and it really felt good to jump on stage with it on... more complete.

Grateful to do another one, and with more COVID precautions. Though, I'm sure many of my shows will be more limited to digital/virtual appearances, and certainly hope for that instead. I feel like I have the opportunity to be a little more presentable and creative in the new format we've all been trying to adapt to.

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